
2024 Workshops at the Weald and Downland Living Museum, West Sussex

2024 Workshops Now Available!

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The Temperament Garden

Tuesday July 16th 9.30a.m.- 4.30pm. £75.

A day to concentrate on the specific needs of course participants according to their own dominant humoral temperaments. Identifying these can be great fun as well as enlightening.  Herbal medicine practitioners give herb combinations to suit the basic constitution of the patient as well as addressing symptoms.

Herbs are classified as heating, drying, cooling or moistening in various degrees and combinations. Having identified those most suited to each person then combinations of useful herbs to grow and use in cookery and home remedies can be suggested. Recipes made will illustrate approaches that are heating, cooling, drying, moistening or balanced in the context of the seasons when they are most beneficial.  


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The Stillroom

Wednesday July 17th. 9.30a.m.- 4.30pm. £75.

We will be taking time to look at the history of fragrance and herbs in fragrant recipes. Many of these contain aromatic distilled waters. Through cosmetics, cleansers and pest repellents for use in the home, cookery and medicine we will trace the theme of what volatile oils in plants have to offer. In addition to enjoyable fragrance this includes antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, mood lifting and sedative or alerting properties.

A range of recipes will offer experience with such diverse herbs as rose, orange flower, bay, peppermint, cinnamon, cardamom, lemon balm and hyssop. These will be for use as cosmetics, in cookery and medicine. Fragrant mixtures will be the order of the day.. 


Foraged Flavours, Fragrances and Fitness

Thursday 18th July. 9.30a.m. - 4.30pm. £75.

During the long history of plant medicine in Britain we have repeatedly either been conquered or settled by other nations, bringing different ideas about disease and foreign herbs. In our multi-cultural society our use of foreign herbs has become substantial. After an introduction on how introduced herbs have shaped our culinary and medicinal recipes, we will take a fresh look at our native heritage.

Foraged herbs for flavourings and seasonings are returning to cookery through the work of innovative chefs. Use of elderflower, angelica, juniper and horseradish is returning. More unusual herbs such as alehoof and meadowsweet will be added as we look at using native herbs in unusual ways for flavour, fragrance and medicinal immune, circulatory and nerve support.


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